
Eclipse 4.2 is now the default platform for the Eclipse community. 

New Koneki project provides world-class Lua development tools for M2M application development. 

Equinox provides the reference implementation for the new OSGi R5 specification. 

Eclipse Virgo 3.5 will deliver the new Virgo Nano which allows developers to deploy very small and fast OSGi-based applications. 

Xtend, a new language for Java developers, will introduce support for debugging, improved IDE support and new language features, including properties, data classes and type inference for fields. 

Xtext 2.3 will now support integrated debugging of JVM-based DSLs created using Xtext and tighter integration with the Java Development Tools (JDT). 

Eclipse Code Recommenders makes developers smarter about using APIs. Based on a knowledge-based and advanced analytics of existing API usage, Code Recommenders provides intelligent API recommendations to Eclipse developers building Java applications. 


빨리 실행해 봐야지 ㅋ 

Posted by 사라링
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