Eclipse Marketplace:
← Drag this button to your Eclipse workbench to install; Update site:
Or download this plugin by using
Help > Install New Software...
and add the update site:
Or download moonrise_0.8.9.jar package and put it into your Eclipse
folder;Restart Eclipse and go to
Window > Preferences > General > Appearance
;Select MoonRise (standalone) or, for a little better tabs decoration, install Eclipse 4 Chrome Theme from marketplace or from here and select MoonRise;
Rest your eyes ;)
Syntax highlighting scheme (optional):
You can find the one used in the screenshot below:
WARNING: Take a backup of your preferences before importing so you can safely restore them if you need (File > Export...
then select General > Preferences
RainbowDrops.epf (most accurate and recommended, download by right-clicking the link and selecting
Save link as...
then import it with Eclipse built-in Preferences import:File > Import...
then selectGeneral > Preferences
);or RainbowDrops.xml (download by right-clicking the link and selecting
Save link as...
then import it with Eclipse Color Theme Plugin);or here;
NOTE: Syntax highlighting settings and UI theme are separated, you can import your own scheme or customize it in Eclipse Preferences if you like.
EditBox support: Use newer Nodeclipse EditBox with RainbowDrops.eb included or downloadRainbowDrops.eb (by right-clicking the link and selecting Save link as...
), then import it with Eclipse EditBox Plugin.
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